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Economics Principles,Problems,and Policies (Asia Global Edition)(20版)



有關Economics Principles,Problems,and Policies (Asia Global Edition)(20版)的詳細介紹如下:

Feature Summary

Two-Path Macro:Instructors who focus exclusively on Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Model can now more easily skip the Aggregate Expenditure (Keynesian) model than before, while those who teach both the AD/AS and AE models can continue to do so in a logical manner.

A Patient, Step-by-Step Approach: Realizing that for most students, this is their first introduction to economics, the authors take a patient, step-by step approach to teaching the material. The authors explain the theory and models slowly and thoroughly.

Multiple-choice “Quick Quizzes” to accompany the Key Graphs. Graphs that have special relevance are labeled “Key Graphs,” and each includes a multiple-choice quiz. These 4-question quizzes allow students to test their understanding before moving on. Answers are provided on the page, but upside down.

Figure Legends: Legends accompanying diagrams are often in-depth, self-contained analyses of the concepts. The legends are quick synopses of important ideas. They help the students understand the visual representations more fully.

Study Questions and Problems: Up to 30 questions and problems follow every chapter. The questions cover concepts and material from the chapter, while the problems ask students to apply those concepts.

  • 出版社:華泰文化


  • 出版日期:2016/01/13
  • 語言:英文

Economics Principles,Problems,and Policies (Asia Global Edition)(20版)


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