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Organizational Behavior- Human Behavior at Work(14版)



有關Organizational Behavior- Human Behavior at Work(14版)的詳細介紹如下:

The most notable is its careful blending of theory with practice, so that its basic theories come to life in a realistic context. Readers learn that concepts and models do apply in the real world and help build better organizations for a better society. The ideas and skills learned in organizational behavior can help readers cope better with every aspect of their lives.

Another popular feature is the large number of examples of real organizational situations. These real-life vignettes show how actual organizations operate and how people act (sometimes unexpectedly!) in specific situations. Most of the major concepts in this book are illustrated with one or more of these true examples.

A feature highly appreciated by both faculty and students is the book’s readability.

  • 出版社:華泰文化


  • 出版日期:2016/01/13
  • 語言:英文

Organizational Behavior- Human Behavior at Work(14版)

    創作者 小萱 的頭像


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